Where realism meets fantasy... Where anything can happen... Where nothing really gets figured out because there are so many possibilities

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Boundless Possibilities
Friday, March 07, 2003  
Today, Spring was seen creeping toward us head on. We have expectations of the season: budding trees; longer days; birds and flowers. We have all that, and the smell of war in the air. We are happy about Spring. We don't know how we feel about war.

I saw an important news conference last night hosted by the White House and featuring the president. He is not apologetic about starting this war. In fact, he says it is not his fault. According to GW, Saddam is choosing this. "I'm not calling him out; he's calling me out."

It's true that Saddam has had plenty of time to avoid this outcome. He certainly seems to have evil intentions. What call would he have to create chemical and biological weapons, if not for immoral mischief? Still, he is going to be attacked without provocation. His violations are against a global organization (the U.N.), and - legally - should be dealt with via that organization. Their plan is to continue inspecting. The president says he has an obligation to protect the interests of the people of the United States. We are mad at Saddam for being a boor and a bully; for being mean to the people he controls; for aiding and abetting terrorists; for being psycho when it comes to germs and snoopy visitors. We'll show him, boy. We'll take away his toys and his chemistry set and tell him he can't play here anymore.

While speaking last night, the president talked about Saddam's neighborhood so many times that I couldn't help thinking about Mr. Rogers. It has been just a week since Fred Rogers left us, hopefully leaving behind his fight against cancer to go on to a quieter, friendlier neighborhood than he left. I've always liked Mr. Rogers. There was something about him and the world he built that demanded attention. As an adult, I've admired Fred Rogers because he worked in an industry he hated because he hated it. Seeing the television industry as the enemy when it came to the lives and futures of children, he found a way to use the media against itself. He was a calm, friendly voice in a cold, cruel world. He is missed.

Amazingly enough, regardless of the deaths of saints or scoundrels, the world goes on. Spring will come whether Saddam is here or not. Time and circumstance will go on to create new realities and there is nothing anyone can do to stop that. You or I could drop dead, tragically or unexpectedly... it would make no difference. Think about it. You've mourned the passing of loved ones or been shocked that someone you least expected was suddenly dead. You've had to make adjustments in your life because of their deaths. It has made you uncomfortable, sad; maybe even depressed. But the day after they were sent to their final resting place, you went to work or at least prepared to. Your life went on as usual, soon enough. And it would have been the same for them, were they in your place.

I guess the point I'm trying to make is this: no matter what scent is in the air - whether of war or of Spring - life is going to go on pretty much as it always has. If you don't believe in God, then there is no hell or hereafter to worry about. If you do believe in God, then you must know that "weapons of mass destruction" will never do any more damage to the world than he is willing to allow. Think about that. Create your own circumstances as much as possible; the rest, as usual, is as it should be.


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